• Running

    2024 Dopey Challenge Race Report Part 4: Marathon

    Pre-Race Prep: Similar to the 5K, 10K, and half, I followed the runDisney Dopey Challenge training plan leading up to the race. I feel like it definitely prepared me for going the distance. In addition to the training plan, I really focused on the idea of preserving my energy during the previous days for the marathon. The night before, I nervously laid out my flat Crystal and went to bed early. Earlier than the previous days. In fact, I think I beat the Sun to bed. Race Day: Being in the VERY LAST CORRAL, I knew I needed as much buffer as possible between myself and the balloon ladies. So,…

  • Running

    2024 Dopey Challenge Race Report Part 3: Half Marathon

    Pre-Race Prep: Similar to the 5K and 10K, I followed the runDisney Dopey Challenge training plan leading up to the race. I feel like it definitely prepared me for going the distance. In addition to the training plan, I really focused on the idea of preserving my energy for Sunday (marathon day). The night before, I laid out my flat Crystal and went to bed early. Race Day: I remember there being a very somber feeling in the air that morning. Many people were disappointed that the race was shortened due to the threat of inclement weather. I supported Disney’s decision but at the same time, I felt bad for…

  • Running

    2024 Dopey Challenge Race Report Part 2: 10K

    Pre-Race Prep: Similar to the 5K, I followed the runDisney Dopey Challenge training plan leading up to the race. I feel like it definitely prepared me for going the distance. In addition to the training plan, I really focused on the idea of preserving my energy for Sunday (marathon day). The night before, I laid out my flat Crystal and went to bed early. Race Day: I was DETERMINED to rope drop my corral for the 10K. That morning, I got on the bus around 3:00 and was getting off at EPCOT about 10 minutes later. I had gotten there so early that there was a crowd waiting to enter…

  • Running

    2024 Dopey Challenge Race Report Part 1: 5K

    Pre-Race Prep: Leading up to the race, I followed the runDisney Dopey Challenge training plan. I feel like it definitely prepared me for going the distance. In addition to the training plan, I really focused on the idea of preserving my energy for Sunday (marathon day). The night before, I laid out my flat Crystal and went to bed early. Race Day: Being in the last corral didn’t really bother me on 5K day. The 5K isn’t timed, so I didn’t feel the sense of urgency I know I’d feel on the other runs. That morning, I got on the bus around 3:20 and was getting off at EPCOT about…

  • Books

    Diversify Your Reading 2023 Book Challenge Review

    This year, one of my SMART goals was to read 12 books (one book a month). Looking for a way to hold myself accountable, I figured my best bet would be to follow a reading challenge. For someone like me who loves a good checklist, it’s an added bonus to the feeling of finishing a book. Needless to say, I was excited when I came across Kelly Mongan’s Diversify Your Reading Challenge. The thing I really liked about the Diversify Your Reading Challenge is that it’s super flexible. Readers are free to govern the challenge themselves, and there are no rules about book length, number of each genre read, etc.…

  • Running

    Dopey 2024 Costumes Reveal!

    Can you believe that we’re only a mere 11 days until the 2024 WDW Marathon Weekend?! I think one of the coolest things about runDisney is seeing all the costumes runners come up with. That’s why I’m so excited to share my Dopey 2024 costumes! When I participated in Marathon weekend this year, I ran as my favorite Disney princess, Mulan (more on that in a future post). This time around, I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on a costume, especially since I would be running four days. It was also important for me to have a central theme. So I brainstormed Disney movies until… boom baby!…

  • Uncategorized

    Good things can happen after 2am, after all.

    It is…approximately 2:30am on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I should be in bed, sleeping off the trouble that my eyes got my stomach into yesterday at the dinner table. Yet here I am. Hunched over an iPad, determined to end this 2 week nightmare and launch this freaking blog ONCE AND FOR ALL. (Friends, I have not been this stressed about coding since my MySpace days.) In addition to being persistent to a fault, I’m Crystal. Welcome to Quirky Strides and Awkward Vibes! Hopefully you’re reading this during whatever is considered normal blog reading hours. This blog for me is the answer to the question: “What would you do if…